Shin splints don’t always start bad. But you don’t treat them fast, shin splints quickly become one of the worst running-related injuries that could ever hinder your workout. If you’ve ever felt pain around your shin bone—either on the front of your leg or in the back—then you’ve likely experienced the tendon and muscle pain that plague runners everywhere. You also know that burning lower-leg pain can cripple your workouts and keep you from racing.

Unfortunately, shin splints can crop up for myriad reasons. Anything from a step up in training—whether running frequency, intensity, or duration—to improper form or poorly-fitted shoes can cause shin splints to flare up.

Learn how to prevent and treat shin splints, so you don’t suffer when running season starts again.

1. Build Up Gradually

Instead of running too much too soon (a main cause of shin splints), increase your speed and distance gradually. Avoid the 5-mile itch.

“If you’re a new runner, you’re not going to suddenly run 5 miles,” says Keith Jeffers, D.C., C.C.S.P. “You need a break-in period. Start with 20 minutes of a walking-running combo every other day.” When it comes to building intensity and duration, 10 is the magic number. Increase your walking distance 10% each week while simultaneously amping up your run-to-walk ratio by 10%, says Jeffers.

2. Mix It Up With Cross Training

Shin splints are the result of  repeated stress on the same areas caused by running. Supplement miles logged with exercises that are less jarring on the joints, like cycling, rowing, and swimming. “Do cross-training instead of running every day with a 3+2 program,” says Bill Pierce, Ed.D., M.S., a veteran running coach, professor, and chair of the health sciences department at Furman University, and the lead author of Run Less, Run Faster. “Three runs and two cross-training sessions gives you five cardiovascular workouts a week.”

3. Avoid Heel Strike – Aim for the Mid-Foot or Fore-Foot Strike

Fight the tendency to heel strike or pull a tippy–toed Fred Flintstone dash. Hitting heel first causes overstriding and leads the foot to slap down onto the pavement, stretching the shin muscles and forcing them to work harder to slow down. On the other hand (foot?), running on your toes stresses the calf muscles in the back of the leg.

Bottom line: Avoid injury and strain by landing flat, on your mid-foot, says Jeffers. A correct gait is essential to preventing injury.

Working out with a jump rope like this one from DEGOL isn’t just great because of its convenience, but because the workout itself will help strengthen your calves and improve mid/forefoot strike.

4. Keep a Short Stride

You may be pulling for that finish line, but make it a habit to watch your stride length—especially at the end of a taxing workout. While biomechanics and varying leg length make it impossible to prescribe an exact distance, a shorter stride is typically better.

“When you’re getting back into the sport, spend the first two weeks purposely staying with a relatively short stride to reduce the liability of shin splints,” says Jeff Galloway, an Olympian who has coached over one million runners to their goals. Practice with a cadence drill once a week every week. Count your cadence—how many times you turn over—on one foot for 30 seconds. Then, take a 30-second break. Repeat for 4-8 sets, aiming to add an additional count each time. “Research shows that as runners become faster, their stride shortens, so the key to boost mechanical efficiency is to increase turnover rate,” says Galloway. Keep in mind there is no magic number. A prescribed turnover rate might drive some individuals to failure and not be enough for others.

5. Replace Your Old Sneakers With A Supportive Running Shoe

Minimalism may be all the rage, but that doesn’t mean that going barefoot is for you. In fact, it may be causing your shin splints. “Minimalist shoes don’t have arch support, so the foot is rolling and overpronating, making athletic overuse injuries more common [for some runners],” says Jeffers. Look for motion control or stability shoes, or a good neutral shoe. When it comes to shopping around for the right fit, an experienced observer at a running store is your best ally.

Also, change your shoes when warranted. Running in worn-out sneakers is one of the most common causes of shin splints. Replace your shoes every 300 miles (or every year if you don’t run a lot).

Your old sneakers can’t stand up to the level of comfort and support that these shoes from New Balance can provide for your running routine.


6. Diagnose the Pain

Pay attention to your body. With a classic shin splint, the painful area covers most of the front of your lower leg, but has no long-term degenerative effect. As you’re running, it usually goes away and never exacerbates. Acute pain in one spot could be a more serious stress fracture, making you unable to run at all.

7. Insert an Orthotic

If you notice you’ve been heel striking or overpronating, replace your shoe’s foam liner with a plastic orthotic for additional arch support. This helps treat and prevent shin splints—not to mention other overuse injuries, like plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, iliotibial band, and runner’s knee. Your local running store should have form-fitted orthotics available.

Make sure you got all the protection you can handle with this insole from Dr. Scholl’s that will definitely help prevent shin splints by adding arch support to your shoes.

8. Reduce Running

While you’ll likely want to cut back on frequency and distance, a shin splint doesn’t mean your running career has to come to a screeching halt. Try icing and massaging your calf muscles for 20 minutes a couple of times a day. It’s all about staying below the threshold of further irritation. Train very gently, or just lay off for a few days and cross-train in the pool or on a bike to allow the shin to heal.

Aim to run half the distance you ran before while increasing the walking frequency. If you didn’t run at all before, run/walk at a 2:1 ratio. If you took walk breaks before, run/walk at a 1:1 ratio. If you regularly maintain a 1:1 ratio, run 15 minutes and walk 45. If the pain continues, allow for a 1-2 week recovery period.

9. Seek Out a Healthcare Provider

Whether you’re overstriding, suffering from weak muscles, or have a shaky stance, biomechanics could be at the root of your problem. Gait—how you place your feet, stride, and strike—plays a role in running injuries. Find a podiatrist or physical therapist who knows running, has treated shin splints, and wants to help you continue running, if possible. Have them look at your form, define what might be contributing to your pain, and prescribe healing exercises.

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