THE BEAUTY OF YARD GAMES is that they are not real sports, nor should they be treated as such. To try too hard, or to care too much, at either bocce, croquet, horseshoes, or ladder toss undermines the genteel spirit of these pastimes. Don’t get me wrong—I love to win as much as the next red-blooded American male. But yard games should be relaxing, bucolic even, well-suited for killing time on a slow summer evening while the steaks sizzle or as the fish fillets and hush puppies fry. They require almost no physical prowess or stamina, so they are activities that you can—and should—play while simultaneously pounding gin and sodas and bullshitting with your friends. That’s the great thing about these games—performance is not the chief concern. Or at least it shouldn’t be. All that matters, really, is that you don’t get too sloshed and can still walk unassisted by the end. Besides that, who cares? It’s a yard game. With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know to master the game of Cornhole. —J.R. Sullivan
10 Yard Games You’ll Actually Want to Play This Summer
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KICK ASS AT CORNHOLE You shouldn’t take yard games too seriously. But, hey, winning is fun. PACE You can often gain an edge by throwing quickly, says world champ Jamie Graham. Slow players will often feel rushed and try to keep up, to their detriment. THROW Keep your palm flat and release the bag at eye level, says Graham. Also try to add spin to keep it, from bouncing. STANCE For consistent form, Graham advises keeping your feet planted when you throw rather than taking a step forward as new players tend to. This article is part of our Summer School series, a comprehensive guide to acing the year’s best season.
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THE BEAUTY OF YARD GAMES is that they are not real sports, nor should they be treated as such. To try too hard, or to care too much, at either bocce, croquet, horseshoes, or ladder toss undermines the genteel spirit of these pastimes. Don’t get me wrong—I love to win as much as the next red-blooded American male.
But yard games should be relaxing, bucolic even, well-suited for killing time on a slow summer evening while the steaks sizzle or as the fish fillets and hush puppies fry. They require almost no physical prowess or stamina, so they are activities that you can—and should—play while simultaneously pounding gin and sodas and bullshitting with your friends. That’s the great thing about these games—performance is not the chief concern. Or at least it shouldn’t be. All that matters, really, is that you don’t get too sloshed and can still walk unassisted by the end. Besides that, who cares? It’s a yard game.
With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know to master the game of Cornhole. —J.R. Sullivan
10 Yard Games You’ll Actually Want to Play This Summer
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You shouldn’t take yard games too seriously. But, hey, winning is fun.
10 Yard Games You’ll Actually Want to Play This Summer
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10 Yard Games You’ll Actually Want to Play This Summer
PACE You can often gain an edge by throwing quickly, says world champ Jamie Graham. Slow players will often feel rushed and try to keep up, to their detriment.
THROW Keep your palm flat and release the bag at eye level, says Graham. Also try to add spin to keep it, from bouncing.
STANCE For consistent form, Graham advises keeping your feet planted when you throw rather than taking a step forward as new players tend to.
This article is part of our Summer School series, a comprehensive guide to acing the year’s best season.
For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube!
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