No matter what time of the year it is, trying to lose weight can be an almost insurmountable task. People are creatures of habit and it is hard to break free of those habits, even if those habits are unhealthy. Almost especially if they are unhealthy. Those habits get their hooks into people with greater strength than good habits.

It is almost a little miracle when someone can finally break those chains and start ahead on a life of healthier living. Making that change is great and should be celebrated. Anyone who does so should feel great all the time. But sometimes those folks who are keeping things going strong aren’t seeing the weight loss they had wished for. At a certain point, there is a plateau that people hit. Trying to figure out what is going on and how to overcome this can be hard at any time. But with the holidays approaching, it can be really difficult.

The holidays are a tough time for anyone trying to keep their diet habits strong. Most diets call for a cheat day or two throughout the week, so the holidays can be a nice little respite for some folks. The cheat day with some truly amazing food that is an absolute no-no during the rest of the week. And with family around to boot. Just a great time. But if the weight loss is not going as smoothly as one had hoped, it can be a scary time. Because it’s either skip the good food and just eat like a normal day or cheat and risk going backward a bit. This is not a win-win situation for anybody.

As with everything with physical fitness and dieting, mental barriers are the biggest issue to overcome. Even with the initial push, there may be some barriers. It’s understandable. A complete change isn’t easy and it isn’t easy to stay consistent. Noom is a lifestyle app that understands that. Because Noom is one of the few lifestyle apps that understands the key to making a change in physical fitness is to get the mind in order.

Noom is great because it understands the mental barriers that need to be overcome. It understands people need to have a support system to keep walking the line. With the app at hand, working on one’s self has never been easier. There are tons of workouts and recipes on hand. All the users of Noom are within reach to help give each user some words of advice and support. And there are trainers on call to help when needed. If a workout isn’t going so strong or the diet isn’t doing what needs to be doing.

If a weight loss plateau has been hit, Noom will be the place to go to figure out what is wrong. Because when a plateau has been hit, there are plenty of reasons for the why. For one, it seems easier to lose weight at the beginning of the diet. It’s almost like the shock of the body causes a lot of weight to be shed. Water weight goes first. So when all those easily trimmable pounds are gone, the real work begins.

There are plenty of reasons for the plateau. Keto is one of the more popular diets in the land right now and for good reason. Consuming protein helps to kick the body’s metabolism into gear and that will help to burn calories and burn fat. Maybe there isn’t enough protein in the diet.

Plenty of people lose weight by getting control of the portions they eat. But at a certain point, maybe the portioning is not enough. Or maybe there is a little backsliding in how much is being consumed. It also could very well be that the food being eaten is just absolutely horrible for the body’s health and it is doing a number on the body. It could be way too many cheat days. What may seem like the right dietary plan may not actually be right in the long run once the initial loss has been overcome.

Physical fitness can be a problem too. Some people may not be as fit as they need to be. Because if people are hitting the gym, a diet can be a little looser. Go for a run or work up a sweat at the gym. Get out of the house and drain that body of energy, so the food being consumed is actually being used as fuel and not as an anchor for the body. And going to the gym and working the body out will tire the body out and allow for more sleep. And the more rest one gets, the better the body will run and the better the body runs the healthier it can be.

Whatever is ailing each person will be specific to that person. But with Noom, the root causes can be sussed out and overcome with ease. Because as Noom grasps, mental blocks are the real killer. And if someone doesn’t really understand that something they are doing is incorrect, they won’t stop. Even if it is better than what they were doing before, there is no reason it can’t be better.

Grab a subscription to Noom now and download that app to the phone now. The holidays are coming up and there is no better time than now to prepare. because there will be no better cheat day than Thanksgiving with all the trimmings.

Get It: Start your subscription to Noom today!

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