The benefits of losing weight are obvious. So why do we have such a hard time getting started? And even if we do get started on a weight loss plan, why is it so hard to stick with the necessary regimen of diet and exercise? If you’ve struggled with losing weight in the past, it might be time to enlist the help of a weight loss coach.

You Can’t Do It Alone

Look, when you first decide you want to lose weight, getting started is actually pretty easy. Diets are plentiful and readily accessible. Exercise and fitness regimens are a dime a dozen. And you’re motivated. But after a couple of weeks of packing salads and avoiding sweets (and beer!), things start slipping. A sandwich for lunch sounds great. Those 6 a.m. spin classes and after-work runs or gym sessions lose their luster.

Life has a way of creeping back in and throwing us for a loop. We get sidetracked and distracted.

Next thing you know, that new diet plan or exercise regimen becomes an obstacle to doing what you believe needs to get done right now. Soon, you’re skipping that spin class every morning, or deciding that a couple of beers after work won’t kill you. You tell yourself you’ll just work extra hard at the gym tomorrow.

But you don’t. Before long you’re having sandwiches at lunch, pulling into the driveway before you realize you forgot to go to the gym, and back to your old habits of letting the minutiae of life keep you from doing what you need to do to live a happy, healthy life.

A Weight Loss Coach Can Help

Here’s a fact: Life is always there. It always has been, and it always will be. Whether you let life keep you from changing and improving your bad diet and fitness habits, or keep you from starting new ones, that’s the key. You’ve got to stay motivated, you’ve got to remain focused. Because no one can do this but you.

That’s a lot of pressure. It’s so much easier to just drink beer and watch TV, isn’t it?

That’s where a weight loss coach can help. Without someone holding you accountable, it’s too easy to backslide—or quit altogether. A weight loss coach will keep you honest with yourself, and focused on your goals.

Sometimes we’re so close to our challenges, so involved in our lives, or so down on ourselves about our failures, we can’t see a solution. Our emotions and negativity muddy things up. A weight loss coach will see your situation from the outside, and offer perspective and a reason to be motivated. A weight loss coach will remind you why you wanted to lose weight in the first place, hold you accountable, and keep you on track. 

Here are Five Things A Weight Loss Coach Can Do for You:

1. Look at Your Weight Loss Needs Objectively

A weight loss coach will see your health from an outside perspective, keeping you from getting distracted and reminding you why you wanted to lose weight in the first place.

It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed, to get down on yourself and let negative thoughts cloud your judgement. A good weight loss coach will help you avoid the downward spiral of negativity.

2. Design the Best Weight Loss Plan for You

A coach will develop a weight loss program to suit your specific needs, finding the right balance of proper nutrition and exercise to fit your metabolism—and your lifestyle.

There’s nothing worse than a diet of foods you dislike, or a workout you resent. A weight loss coach will make sure your diet is manageable and your fitness, fun.

3. Help You Stay Focused on Your Weight Loss Goal

If you skip a workout or backslide on your diet, a weight loss coach will get you back on track. Sometimes life throws us a curveball; more often than not, we tend to use life as an excuse.

A weight loss coach will be objective (see #1) about your issues and needs and make sure that even if you need to skip a workout, you’ll make up for it and stay focused going forward.

4. Motivate You When You’re Not Motivated

Most diets and weight loss plans start to falter after just a few weeks before they fall by the wayside altogether. This happens to the best of us. The reasons are myriad, but a weight loss coach will get you off the couch and back on track even when you don’t want to.

You’re not the only one who’s experienced the inevitable lack of motivation. By being objective and focused, a weight loss coach will get you up and moving.

5. Keep You Honest and Hold You Accountable

It’s easy to backslide when no one’s keeping us honest. You can’t expect friends or partners to hold you accountable; just like you, they have their own issues to deal with. Besides, who needs that added tension in a personal relationship?

With a professional weight loss coach monitoring your progress and double-checking your work, reminding you where you are and where you need to be, you’ll reach your fitness and weight loss goals far more quickly and effectively.

Noom Will Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight goes way beyond counting calories. Weight loss means more than working out every day. If you’re serious about losing weight, especially if you’ve tried and failed in the past, you need to start making appropriate, responsible lifestyle decisions with regards to your nutrition and fitness.

That sounds like work. And it is. But Noom can help you. Noom has already helped tens of thousands of people make better choices, through a fun, easy, and reliable program of diet, exercise, and motivation via 24/7 weight loss coaches. You’ll have a program in place, you’ll be held accountable to it—and you will lose weight.

So get off the couch, turn off the television, and sign up for Noom today. It only takes a few minutes to change your life forever.

Get It: Start Losing Weight with Noom

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